Francisco Maturana Cremades

Francisco Maturana Cremades

CEO at BBVA AI Factory

Categorías de conocimiento

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El impacto transformador de Akademia en la carrera de Lucía Presencio, Directora de Arte en SAMY Alliance

El impacto transformador de Akademia en la carrera de Lucía Presencio, Directora de Arte en SAMY Alliance

Explorando el viaje de una antigua alumna de Akademia hacia el éxito en la creatividad publicitaria

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Akademia alum leads a project on the sustainability and efficiency of the water cycle 

Akademia alum leads a project on the sustainability and efficiency of the water cycle 

We interviewed Teresa Alvariño, alumnus of Akademia, who leads in Galicia Cetaqua, an intelligent water management project that seeks the sustainability of the water cycle, pursuing the UN SDG6.

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EdTech: Technology in the pursuit of Education

EdTech: Technology in the pursuit of Education

The technology-education binomial has reached its maximum exponent in EdTech. We explain what this trend consists of and what benefits it has over the traditional education system.

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