Cloud Computing

This report analyzea the revolution of access to technology that the cloud supposes, which facilitates the access of people and companies to computer services.

Alph Bingham

Wisdom of crowds as Mob mentality

Alph Bingham, Co-founder and CEO of InnoCentive, dedicates this talk to the “people in the cloud”. He explains how the cloud connects human brains, and how InnoCentive does that, and how it is not always necessary to hire the best to make the most of their intelligence, thanks to the cloud. Bingham discusses the concepts of “Mob Mentality” and “Wisdom of Crowds”.

Wisdom of crowds as Mob mentality

Analysed topics

What is Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing

Definition, typology and services of Cloud Computing

Impact of Cloud Computing

Impact of Cloud Computing

How Cloud Computing Impacts

Future of Cloud Computing

Future of Cloud Computing

How Cloud Computing will evolve

What is Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the use of a network of remote servers connected to the internet to store, manage and process data, servers, databases, networks and software.
Below we detail its definition, typology of clouds and essential services offered by this trend.

Cloud presentation

Cloud presentation

Joseph Tobolski explains the main technological trends that may affect us in the next 5 years (video from 2015), new trends such as the New Web, Social computing, Collaborative work and, of course, the Cloud Computing. Focusing on Cloud Computing, Tobolski explains how his organization works with the Cloud: developments, applications, security standards, etc.

To know more

Types of cloud in Cloud Computing

Types of cloud in Cloud Computing

Within cloud computing we can find different types of cloud for its access, but also for its practical application in co[…]

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Open Source in Cloud Computing

Open Source in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing has created a real revolution in Information Technologies, changing processes that allow participation a[…]

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Cloud Services

Cloud Services

The services offered by Cloud Computing are revolutionizing the way in which users use information technologies.

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Impact of Cloud Computing

The so-called “Digital Transformation“, or also “Fourth Industrial Revolution” would not be possible without Cloud Computing. In fact, several studies and surveys highlight that the Digital Transformation faced by companies and institutions is the main growth factor of Cloud Computing.

According to Forrester, Cloud Computing is one of the most disruptive trends of the last 15 years in the technology market. Cloud initiatives are expected to account for 70% of all technology spending by 2020.

Below we analyze the main impacts of Cloud Computing.

Beneficts and impact of the use of cloud computing infraestucture

Beneficts and impact of the use of cloud computing infraestucture

Chris Whitney, Director of the Service Automation & Integration Lab at HP Labs, argues in his speech that Cloud Computing focuses everything from the point of view of a service. It provides information, opportunities and experiences – from business processes to personal interactions-delivered wherever, however and whenever the user needs it.

To know more

Innovation & Cloud Computing

Innovation & Cloud Computing

The impact of Cloud Computing goes beyond technological development, presenting itself as a disruptive change in busines[…]

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Cloud computing users

Cloud computing users

Cloud Computing has been democratized and is now a tool commonly used by companies, public administrations, in education[…]

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Cloud Computing Providers

Cloud Computing Providers

The size of the Cloud Computing market is huge and continues to grow, demonstrating the expandability of this technology[…]

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Future of Cloud Computing

In 2010 when the experts of the Future Trends Forum analyzed this trend, we said that Cloud Computing was as if it were a perfect storm, Cloud Computing seems to emerge and feed on the convergence of different determining elements of the moment we live. Some voices point out that this “perfect storm” will not only bring about disruptive change in the IT industry but also alter the way people work and companies operate.
What is the future of Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing a new model

Cloud Computing a new model

Irving Wladawsky-Berger, Chairman Emeritus, IBM Academy of Technology, starts his speech by placing cloud computing within the new economy of services, where it stands out as one of the most important innovations.

To know more

Future of Cloud Computing

Future of Cloud Computing

El Cloud Computing es una tecnología que plantea grandes expectativas de crecimiento en el futuro próximo.

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